Posts tagged Go The Hack
Pirate Transmission #2 - "Bad Teeth Island"

This is Pirate Transmission #2 - Bad Teeth Island

Every Thursday I post a new playlist. You can listen to it on Spotify, or reconstruct it using the information broken out below the embedded playlist.

You can also learn more about each band by clicking on the band name (or artist name) in the post.


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Expert Opinions: Rolling Stone Top 40 Punk Albums of All-Time List

In response to the release of Rolling Stone magazine's list of the "Top 40 Punk Rock Albums of All-Time," I started sending out requests to people I respect and asking each of them for 5 albums that they would have included.

I did not just ask random people, these are people who have forgotten more punk than even I know and I have been into punk since 1983.  


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