"The D" in Bandcamp: Exploring Detroit-Area Music (I Hate Radio)

The D of Bandcamp (I Hate Radio)

So, I love exploring music. One of my favorite hobbies is to do random or direct searches on Bandcamp to see what turns up.

Lately, I have been doing more local searches. So, every week, I am going to try to highlight music from the Detroit area (I live in Ypsilanti, so I will be checking out Detroit in a "wide" view). I will try to cover 2-4 artists a week.

If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments, my only requirement is that they have to have material on Bandcamp.

If you are one of the bands or artists, please feel free to add in details in the comments section (and, I hope I get to see you live soon).

Explore, Enjoy, and Share Music!

Quelle Chris - Being You Is Great I Wish I Could Be You More

I have had Quelle Chris on my playlists before, and we have talked back and forth on Twitter.

Hard to imagine anything being more in my wheelhouse than this really cool album. It is thoughtful, reflexive, self-deprecating hip-hop full of smart music choices and interesting hooks. It includes little bits of everything that I like about alternative hip-hop. 

Joey Pecoraro - Tired Boy

One of the great joys of digging Bandcamp is that most of the music I listen to on I have no context for.  No PR person or algorithm has pre-selected it for me, it is an honest process of discovery. 

This album "Tired Boy" by Joey Pecoraro gives me great joy. Lots of really smart jazz flourishes around clever production choices. It sounds like a fusion of jazz, electronic, and hip-hop without the emcee and without the rigid structure. Mostly, it is just a fun and optimistic album that will cheer you up on bad mornings. 

Devious Ones - Djarum Summers

There is something interesting here in the juxtaposition between the upbeat and urgent Punk music of Devious Ones and the laconic, almost bored, singing style (I have no idea who is singing, but I like it).  This two song single was Co-Released by "Rust on the Blade" and "No Front Teeth" Records.

Closing Time

Okay, that is the end of the first "episode" of "The D" in Bandcamp. Hope you enjoyed it. Obviously, most bands make next to no money on Spotify, so, if you want to support music, Bandcamp is a great alternative (at least a traditional split is negotiated as I understand things).

Yes, I do literally just wander around on Bandcamp and listen to albums.

Let me know what bands that I should consider in future installments.

Explore, Enjoy, and Share Music!

A Band Called Death
Starring David Hackney, Bobby Hackney, Dannis Hackney
Buy on Amazon