"I Hate Radio" Music News 10/20/2016: Why Pinegrove Rules!

Music News?

So, I am trying this format to communicate the music stories that speak to me every day (instead of just posting the links). Usually, I want to say more than is allowed in a Tweet.

Oh, I am also going to start a podcast soon, more on that as I get it all setup. As you can guess, it will be called "I Hate Radio" which is my response to "I Heart Radio."

You Check out my Best of 2016 Albums list by clicking HERE.

Oh, and every Tuesday I put out new Spotify Playlists, this week's playlist is:

Pinegrove Is Fighting For Planned Parenthood

"Cardinal," the excellent album from the New Jersey band Pinegrove, might not have made my Top 45 Albums of 2016 list, but it was still a very good album.

Now, as reported by Pitchfork, if you purchase Cardinal or any other Pinegrove album from their Bandcamp page they will donate whatever proceeds you choose to pay to Planned Parenthood (for obvious reasons given the coming storm).

Yes, you can pay whatever you want for any Pinegrove album, and the proceeds all go to Planned Parenthood (so give generously). Here is a link to Pinegrove's Bandcamp.

Serious KUDOS to Pinegrove, GOOD ON YOU! We all need to fight back in whatever way we can - locally, regionally, or nationally.

And in case you need to try before you buy:

7 Minutes of Awesome Hard-Core Goodness with UK Punks "True Vision"

You may not have much time to listen to new music, don't worry, you can listen to this EP by the Leeds UK band "True Vision" in approximately 7 minutes (takes me back). If you like it, and can still dig cassette tapes, here is a different link to their demo. True Vision is on Painkiller Records.

Merry X-Mas 

South Park Season 20 Was Damn Funny Zack Blumenfeld (I agree with the rest) 

I mostly liked this article by Paste contributor Zach Blumenfeld except that he said that Season 20 didn't produce 10  funny moments?

* Butter's protest at the girl's volleyball game might have been the single funniest thing that I have ever seen on SP ever. The make kids walking down the halls "protesting" was about as close as Matt and Trey have ever come to purposely exposing Privilege. 

* The debate between Turd Sandwich (HRC) and Giant Douche (Mr. Garrison) almost left me in tears 

* The very last scene of the season when the very first person able to get back on the new internet sends a dick pic was funny

*  Mr. Slave showing everyone, even children, how easy it was to manipulate President Garrison was funny

* Garrison showing back up in SP to humiliate everyone who slighted him was better parody than anything SNL did (in particular his confrontation with PC Principal).

* Presenting leaving social media as akin to death almost without irony was both deep and funny.

* The unexpected use of one of Skankhunts new Troll buddies to constantly call Skankhunt (Mr. Brafslafsky) out on how reactions against political correctness can themselves go way too far was funny and unexpected coming from two writer's who are usually pretty Libertarian (IMHO).

 * The ongoing Force Awakens jokes sprinkled throughout the season may have required you to pay attention (notice that the final confrontation b/w Mr. Brafslavski and the Troll Hunter happened SW style), subtle humor was also something new and different for South Park (last time they did something like this they had Indiana Jones being sexually assaulted by Spielberg and George Lucas), 

* Cartman's Mars fantasies were pretty funny IMHO as was when he finally realized his girlfriend was so smart that it was going to expose him for who he really was. 

That is actually more than ten (some bullet points had multiple examples).

The thing that struck me the most was that South Park, Black Mirror, and Westworld all covered a lot of the same territory in 2016 (through very different lenses).

If you didn't see SP Season 20, I would highly recommend it (especially as a funnier counterpoint to the overwhelming dread created throughout S3 of Black Mirror).

Wrapping Up

Okay, that is the end of another news day. Hope you are enjoying the new news feature.

I am going to go get back to work learning more about podcasting so that I can start the pod ASAP. I have a feature coming soon on the outstanding new Cherry Red Records 4 Disc Punk Boxset "Action Time Vision."

Help Pinegrove support Planned Parenthood!

What did you think of True Vision?

What did you think of SP Season 20 (did you think it was funny?)

Let me know what you think, leave a comment!

Black Mirror - Series 1-2 and Special [DVD]
Starring Rory Kinnear, Jessica Brown Findlay, Rupert Everett, Toby Kebbell, Hayley Atwell
Buy on Amazon