Girlpool, The Coathangers, & Other New Albums: "I Hate Radio" Music News 3/7/2017

Music News?

Lately, I should rename it "irregular" music news. I have been pretty busy over the last month working on a campaign to end gerrymandering in Michigan and with some criminal justice reform groups. Basically, something had to give and music news has been the sacrifice.

I still am trying to do at least one a week.

Yesterday, I put out this week's playlist the "Tall Dream Janitor" playlist. It includes songs from The Cure, Gang of Four, Father John Misty, Lee Ranaldo and lots of new music. Check it out!

Girlpool Releases New Video, single ("123"), and Announce New Album "Powerplant"

So, in 2015 I kind of went gaga for Girlpool's singles and eventually their album "Before the World Was Big." If you go back and look, I was all in way ahead of everyone else on Harmony Tividad and  Cleo Tucker's contextual place and space folk punk music.

Girlpool also figured prominently in my best albums of 2015 list.

Okay, Girlpool is back with a new single and video for the song "123" (see above). They have also announced that their new album "Powerplant" will be available on May 12th.

After walking around most of my life trying desperately to cover up for my own alien sauce (that I was scared that everyone would see but that was certain that nobody else would understand) the video really hit me hard.

What a smart way to convey the, I suspect, common feeling that we have things we are insecure about that nobody but our closest friends and loved ones can see, understand, and empathize with.

Oh, and for the new album, they are also adding percussion to the mix for the first time.

If you didn't hear their 2015 album "Before the World Was Big" here it is:

Welcome back to Girlpool! Oh, also, Girlpool is now on Anti Records.

New Coathangers Single and EP Coming

So, on the playlist, I highlighted upcoming new albums by:

The Jesus and Mary Chain (Damage and Joy, coming in March)

Sneaks (Eva Moolchan, It's A Myth, March 31st)

Cold Beat (Hannah Lew, Chaos by Invitation, April 7th)

But, it turns out, Atlanta's "The Coathangers" also have a new EP (called "Parasite") coming out (which is a bit surprising since they just put out a new album in the middle of last year).

Anyway, I like The Coathangers, so here is their new song "Captain's Dead":

Also, if you missed their latest album "Nosebleed Weekend" here it is:

The Coathangers are now on Suicide Squeeze Records.

And just for fun, here is a new song by Kim Gordon and Mikal Cronin as part of the first 100 days series:

Closing Time

Okay, well that is just about as jumbled as I get with this stuff.

Hope you enjoy the music stew.

Hopefully, I will produce a new Orange is the New Black Post and a new Black Mirror Post soon!

Explore, Enjoy, and Share Music!