Perfume Genius, Sorority Noise, & Solemn Shapes "I Hate Radio" Music News 3/23/2017

"I Hate Radio" Music News?

Sure, I don't write these as often as I should, but I do try to get a few out every week. 

This is another way that I try to curate music that I think might interest my followers.

Explore, Enjoy, and Share Music!

Perfume Genius

I was really impressed with the last Perfume Genius album and have been gleefully anticipating new music from Mike Hadreas'. So, here is the first new song that new PG album No Shape. I love how it maintains his aesthetic while the song still somehow increases the intensity and drama of his music.  

If you prefer Spotify to YouTube, here is the link:

And, if you missed the last album, here is a link to that:great album:

Perfume Genius is on Matador Records.

Sorority Noise

Sorority Noise is a band that I never really loved that much...Until this new album (which is REALLY great). The music is great, the themes considered are deep and complex, the production is excellent, and the album forms a coherent picture (much of it is a meditation about adjusting to aging, death, and loss). 

What more can you ask for from an album? You can purchase it here (Bandcamp provides a much better cut to the artist): 

Or sample it before purchase here:

Sorority Noise is on Triple Crown Records.

Solemn Shapes

Last but not least, my friends Solemn Shapes just released the first song off of their forthcoming album. The name of the song is "Loss" and it has the same uber-cinematic post-modern feel I loved so much from their earlier work (which is a very good thing).

As I said after hearing it to Melanie (one of the members of the band), it would fit right in on the Soundtrack to Blade Runner 2. Anyway, enjoy!!!  

Closing Time

Interesting week, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off going from Criminal Justice Reform events to church, then to work, then to writing.

I barely know where I am right now.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good week and #GoBlue tonight against the Ducks!